It goes without saying that life in 2014 is different than life in the 1950's. The same holds true with planning ahead for the end of life.
One difference is found in what we choose to do with our bodies or the bodies of our loved ones after passing - cremation is on the rise. Reasons for the increase in cremation includes ease of mobility, varying and changing religious beliefs, and that cremation is very cost effective and green. According to a recently published info-graphic (see below), a basic cremation today starts around $2,245 upwards, depending on what additional services are asked for. Compare that to a traditional funeral which is estimated around $9,000 on average.
Taken in total, cremation is becoming more acceptable and is recognized as an inexpensive and versatile way to allow families and friends to honor their loved ones in many unique ways. Paralleling that trend, cremation urns for ashes have become more widely available through online shopping, which has opened an ocean of memorial options at affordable prices. This has allowed the consumer to get closer towards, and even fulfill, the kind of memorial they were wanting to express.
The Info-graphic below paints a picture on current cremation trends:
Original article and info-graphic, "Cremation Is More Popular Than Ever, And Here's Why (INFOGRAPHIC)," published on The Huffington Post, written by Macrina Cooper-White. Info-graphic by Jan Diehm.